Title Blog

 Today, I worked on the titles for my short film. I began with brainstorming, where I came down to two ideas. The first was to use poker chips. I would use pictures of a poker table from the internet and affix our names and position to each chip. SO I followed through with the plan and I had one issue. It was only about 20 seconds of time because there were so many poker chips on the table. Combined with my actual footage, it stood in at about 4:20, which wasn't quite enough. I stretched it out a little, and did some creative reworking, but it never worked. So, I began with my other idea: use cards. I went online and picked a bunch of cards, trying to keep their visuals similar but not from the same deck. I used various decks to symbolize how frequently and widespread Jim's gambling issue was. He was gambling all over, and I wanted to show this from the very start, as I can't bring my 13-year-old brother into a casino. So I began: I use a handful of cards. For my studio, I used the Ace of spades, captioned with Adams Studios. For my Production company, I used a king of spades captioned with Konstantinople Productions. For my lovely mother, I used a queen of spades captioned with her name. And then for my brother, I used a jack of spades captioned with his name. At the end of the titles, I include music by which I forgot to put on cards as I took a break and returned to it later. For the directed and edited by sections, I got really creative. As my name beings with an A, which distantly looks like a "4", I used a 4 of spades except left out the "A" in my name and replaced with  4. For the edited by, I replaced the "E" with a "3".


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