
Showing posts from April, 2023

Critical Review

  How does your short film represent social groups or issues? I would not consider addicts to be a social group or marginalized community, but people in addiction and recovery are all over. There is a massive stigma surrounding addiction, and that is an issue. In my short film, I challenge that stigma. When I began writing my script, I wanted my actor playing Jim to be a little older, as I had a preconceived notion that a majority of the people who suffer from addiction would be older, but this turned out to be wrong. I utilized “” to do my research, and it was there that I discovered that people in their early to mid-twenties are the most likely age to suffer from alcoholism. Upon realizing this, I cast my younger brother to play Jim, and although he is physically 13, his youthful look represents the issue that is alcoholism in young people. A lot of people don’t see the younger side of addiction, but it is a very real issue. Another issue I challenge is the stigma

Short Film Package
